BANG! – 2019 premiere

31 August 2018, 6pm – International Tanzmesse 2018 – Tanzhaus NRW, Studio 4

Directed by Patricia Noworol
In collaboration with Troy Ogilvie, Kwame Osei / Kideyez, Rafael Martin / Hitmakerchinx.

Artistic Associates: Erik Abbott-Main and Hope T. Davis
Photos: Hope T. Davis
Videography: Ellen Maynard



BANG!, is a new work-in-progress exposing personal stories of marginalization and one’s desire to confront and overcome common social obstructions. In the current global political era of resistance, this work unveils cultural systems of racism & sexism and the deeply personal consequences of acting in opposition. BANG! is a collaboration with American & German artists (PNDT USA | Renegade, Germany), highlighting parallel forces of oppression that operate in both US & European communities. The performers involved range from diverse areas of movement styles including Flexers, Krumpers, Rappers & Contemporary Dancers. Together, the work draws attention to the shared, complex aggressions that hide within daily life.

WEB DESIGN: Ava Savitsky

PHOTO COPYRIGHTS (Background Image Credits):
Rotating Banner (in order of appearance):
Aeric Meredith-Goujon, Aeric Meredith-Goujon, Miguel Anaya, Miguel Anaya, Ben Richardson, Aeric Meredith-Goujon,
Lena Hedermann, Ben Richardson, Oliver Look, Alexei Afonin, Lena Hedermann,
Oliver Look, Kama Frankl, Ben Richardson, Aeric Meredith- Goujon

Artistic Director page, Cecil Gilliard
Artist Statement page, Miguel Anaya
Collaborators page, Lena Hedermann
Current News page, Hope Davis
Past News page, Lena Hedermann
Press page, Aeric Meredith- Goujon, Miguel Anaya
Testimonials page, Lena Hedermann
Contribute page, Aeric Meredith- Goujon

Contact page, Miguel Anaya